Friday, February 5, 2016

Create Simple AOT JOB in dynamics AX 2012

Create a Simple AOT Job:

Our first task is to show the values of a table, which are to be printed in Infolog.

For aforementioned scenario, a new AOT JOB has to be created by following the steps below:

Open Dynamics AX and press crtl + D.
Then, right click on Jobs and create new JOB
Next step is to write query, which will show all the values of a table:
Select “HCMEmployment”
Since HcmEmployment table does not contain Employee name, one must use Join between "HcmEmployment" and “DirPerson” on RecID to create a joint relationship by entering following code.
static void HN_AllEmp(Args _args)
    HcmEmployment    hcmEmployment;
    DirPerson        dirPerson;

    while selectfrom hcmEmployment join dirPerson where HcmEmployment.RecID == dirPerson.RecId
    info(strfmt("Employee type '%1' and Name '%2'",hcmEmployment.EmploymentType,dirperson.Name));


Once coding process is completed, then click on "Play" button.

Congratulations!!! Now you have accomplished a simple example.

Next step is to update the values of  a table while verifying that none of the values are negative.
Create new Table with single field int.

HNTableInt contains different numbers. So, create a query, which will produce a result of negative values ,but before updating the values, convert all the negative values into positive numbers, using absolute value (abs).


static void multiply(Args _args)
    HNTableInt hNTableInt;
    int a = 0;

    while select forupdate Multiply from hNTableInt
        a = a - 1 ;

    hNTableInt.Multiply = abs(a) ;




Have a nice day :)

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the blog, Can you please tell me how do i schedule this job to run on specific data & time.

